Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) can manage the cluster conveniently. With this tool, you can view the status of the cluster and each node, and manage each node, volumes, or users.

As the CLI continues to improve, it will eventually achieve 100% coverage of the APIs of each node in the cluster.

Compile and Configure

After downloading the ChubaoFS source code, execute the command go build in the directory chubaofs/cli to generate cli.

At the same time, a configuration file named .cfs-cli.json will be generated in the directory root, and the master address can be changed to the current cluster master address. You can also get or set the master address by executing the command ./cli config info or ./cli config set.

Bug Shooting

The logs of cfs-cli tool are in the directory /tmp/cfs/cli, which offer detail running information for bug shooting.


In the directory chubaofs/cli, execute the command ./cli --help or ./cli -h to get the CLI help document.

CLI is mainly divided into seven types of management commands.

Commands List
Command description
cli cluster Manage cluster components
cli metanode Manage meta nodes
cli datanode Manage data nodes
cli datapartition Manage data partitions
cli metapartition Manage meta partitions
cli config Manage configuration for cli tool
cli completion Generating bash completions
cli volume, vol Manage cluster volumes
cli user Manage cluster users
cli compatibility Compatibility test

Cluster Management

./cli cluster info          #Show cluster summary information
./cli cluster stat          #Show cluster status information
./cli cluster freeze [true/false]        #Turn on or turn off the automatic allocation of the data partitions.
./cli cluster threshold [float]     #Set the threshold of memory on each meta node.

MetaNode Management

./cli metanode list          #List information of meta nodes
./cli metanode info [Address]     #Show detail information of a meta node
./cli metanode decommission [Address] #Decommission partitions in a meta node to other nodes

DataNode Management

./cli datanode list          #List information of data nodes
./cli datanode info [Address]         #Show detail information of a data node
./cli datanode decommission [Address]   #Decommission partitions in a data node to other nodes

DataPartition Management

./cli datapartition info [Partition ID]        #Display detail information of a data partition
./cli datapartition decommission [Address] [Partition ID]   #Decommission a replication of the data partition to a new address
./cli datapartition add-replica [Address] [Partition ID]    #Add a replication of the data partition on a new address
./cli datapartition del-replica [Address] [Partition ID]    #Delete a replication of the data partition from a fixed address
./cli datapartition check    #Diagnose partitions, display the partitions those are corrupt or lack of replicas

MetaPartition Management

./cli metapartition info [Partition ID]        #Display detail information of a meta partition
./cli metapartition decommission [Address] [Partition ID]   #Decommission a replication of the meta partition to a new address
./cli metapartition add-replica [Address] [Partition ID]    #Add a replication of the meta partition on a new address
./cli metapartition del-replica [Address] [Partition ID]    #Delete a replication of the meta partition from a fixed address
./cli metapartition check    #Diagnose partitions, display the partitions those are corrupt or lack of replicas

Config Management

./cli config info     #Show configurations of cli
./cli config set [flags]    #Set configurations of cli
    --addr      string      #Specify master address [{HOST}:{PORT}]
    --timeout   uint16      #Specify timeout for requests [Unit: s] (default 60)

Completion Management

./cli completion      #Generate bash completions

Volume Management

./cli volume create [VOLUME NAME] [USER ID] [flags]     #Create a new volume
    --capacity uint                                     #Specify volume capacity [Unit: GB] (default 10)
    --dp-size  uint                                     #Specify size of data partition size [Unit: GB] (default 120)
    --follower-read                                     #Enable read form replica follower (default true)
    --mp-count int                                      #Specify init meta partition count (default 3)
    -y, --yes                                           #Answer yes for all questions
./cli volume delete [VOLUME NAME] [flags]               #Delete a volume from cluster
    -y, --yes                                           #Answer yes for all questions
./cli volume info [VOLUME NAME] [flags]                 #Show volume information
    -d, --data-partition                                #Display data partition detail information
    -m, --meta-partition                                #Display meta partition detail information
./cli volume add-dp [VOLUME] [NUMBER]                   #Create and add more data partition to a volume
./cli volume list                                       #List cluster volumes
./cli volume transfer [VOLUME NAME] [USER ID] [flags]   #Transfer volume to another user. (Change owner of volume)
    -f, --force                                         #Force transfer without current owner check
    -y, --yes                                           #Answer yes for all questions

User Management

./cli user create [USER ID] [flags]         #Create a new user
    --access-key string                     #Specify user access key for object storage interface authentication
    --secret-key string                     #Specify user secret key for object storage interface authentication
    --password string                       #Specify user password
    --user-type string                      #Specify user type [normal | admin] (default "normal")
    -y, --yes                               #Answer yes for all questions
./cli user delete [USER ID] [flags]         #Delete specified user
    -y, --yes                               #Answer yes for all questions
./cli user info [USER ID]                   #Show detail information about specified user
./cli user list                             #List cluster users
./cli user perm [USER ID] [VOLUME] [PERM]   #Setup volume permission for a user
                                            #The value of [PERM] is READONLY, RO, READWRITE, RW or NONE
./cli user update [USER ID] [flags]         #Update information about specified user
    --access-key string                     #Update user access key
    --secret-key string                     #Update user secret key
    --user-type string                      #Update user type [normal | admin]
    -y, --yes                               #Answer yes for all questions

Compatibility Test

./cli cptest meta [Snapshot Path] [Host] [Partition ID]         #Metadata compatibility test
        [Snapshot Path] string                     #The path which snapshot file located
        [Host] string                              #The metanode host which generated the snapshot file
        [Partition ID] string                      #The meta partition ID which to be compared


  1. Use the old version to prepare metadata, stop writing metadata,after waiting for the latest snapshot to be generated(about 5 minutes), copy the snapshot file to the local machine
  2. Execute the metadata comparison command on local machine
[Verify result]
All dentry are consistent
All inodes are consistent
All meta has checked