
How To Start Console

Start a Console process by execute the server binary of ChubaoFS you built with -c argument and specify configuration file.

nohup cfs-server -c console.json &


Key Type Description Mandatory
role string Role of process and must be set to console Yes
logDir string Path for log file storage Yes
logLevel string Level operation for logging. Default is error No
listen string Port of TCP network to be listen, default is 80 Yes
masterAddr string slice Addresses of master server Yes
objectNodeDomain string object domain for sign url for down Yes
monitor_addr string Prometheus the address Yes
dashboard_addr string console menu forward to Grafana Yes
monitor_app string the tag for monitor, it same as master config Yes
monitor_cluster string the tag for monitor, it same as master config Yes


  "role": "console",
  "logDir": "/cfs/log/",
  "logLevel": "debug",
  "listen": "80",
  "masterAddr": [
  "monitor_addr": "",
  "dashboard_addr": "",
  "monitor_app": "cfs",
  "monitor_cluster": "spark"


  • add in /etc/hosts
  • you can visit it by
  • in console default user is root default password is ChubaoFSRoot
  • If you are upgrading your ChubaoFS from v2.0.0 or earlier version, the password may not be compatible, you can use curl -H “Content-Type:application/json” -X POST –data ‘{“id”:”testuser”,”pwd”:”12345”,”type”:2}’ “” to create new user to use it